
3 WeekZ Old.

Friends, family, readership of my blog.....I am sorry for not writing yesterday. I am sorry for not writing this weekend too, but you know I don't write then...I have been busy. I am 3 weekZ old now! I am bigger. I make eye contact with people. I smile more. I turn my head to sounds. I live life to the fullest. I flail my arms at things and hope to hit things but I always miss. I suck my fist and sometimes my fingers on accident. I cry only when there is a reason. Most importantly, I have matured to the point where I can lay with my eyes open and just chill out. I don't need to be held. I don't need to be comforted. I just need to be. And I do be. Wrap your headZ around that last sentence people.

This weekend was fun. I had fun. I HAD fun. I had FUN. Yee! Grandpa Mark came to visit and so did Grandma Black! My cousins Talia and Sophie came over with Aunt Niki too! Sophie and Talia held me. I was scared at first because they are not that much older than me, only 4 or 5 years, but Grandma Black helped them and they did a great job.

I also got to go out in public again! I went to the Eastview Mall for 2 hours and I didn't make a peep the whole time. I just partied in my stroller while the adults walked around and shopped. Dad bought me a sweet hoodie and grandma karen, grandpa mark, and mom bought me some other stuff. It was cool to see all the little kid stores there. I can't wait until I am a little older and I can go shopping there!

Today we went to the park. It was 23 degrees outside but dad insisted it was okay to take me out, so off we went! We brough Nemi and Dosa with us. Boy can they run fast! Those two animals are freaks of nature as far as I am concerned. I like them though. They are good people.

OK, time to run off to watch el presidente Barak Obama. I want to hear what this man has to say about my future.

It's Grandma Black playing with me!!

It's cousin Sophie holding me!

And cousin Talia holding me!

It be me with mom, dad, Grandma Karen, and Grandpa Mark

"Grandma loves me, a bushel and a peck..."

Mommie. Grandpa Mark. Me.

Self Pizzzortrait with me and Daddie.

It's me, the man himself.

Dad carrying me in el parque.

Mommie. Daddie. The kid.

1 comment:

  1. zane: you are so cute! so are your cousins. also, good to see mom is back to wearing her coat again (i think the maternity one was not so warm!) love, aunt h
