
Friends, Skiing, and Chili!

So the last few weeks I had been just hanging around, seeing my peeps in ROC, including my friends Gracie and Cooper. We got to go over to their house to have dinner and have naked baby time! It was a stellar time had by all.

Grandma Karen came for a visit too! She brought me all my presents from my NYC birthday. It was great to see her and also to get presents!

Then, a few days later, baba starts packing up the mini van and i hear all this talk about fluffy gnar and freshies and I have no idea who is talking about what. Anyways, turns out we were going to Vermont for a ski weekend!

On the way to Vermont, we went to Uncle Neil's house for dinner! When we got there Kris Moshi (it means aunt Kris in Bengali, and that is neil's mom) had prepared a Bengali feast for us. It was so amazing and spicy too! I handled the spice well and really loved the chickpeas and butter chicken! The rest of the weekend was amazing too! I got to go down the slopes in a backpack, go snowshoeing, eat good food and hang with good peeps. The weekend ended with a surprise visit to grandma and grandpa blacks where we got to eat chili for dinner! Grandma is the best cook and her food was so yummie!

Me, Gracie, and Cooper eating dinner...

Nekkid baby time.

Grandma Karen and me!

Mom, Grandma, the kid.

Me in my tunnel.

more tunnel.

me and uncle neil at his house!

ski crew. Justin, me, neil, baba, owen.

baba, me, and owen before our descent

me and uncle owen after our descent!

hey hey heyyyyy.

Weekend ski peeps with the kid.

ahhhh! before snowshoeing!

during snowshoeing. where's MY goggles you jerks?!

mama, baba, and me on the trail.

baba showing me a tree.

me and the floor.

me and grandma black playing


Sledding with Baba and a little naked drum session!

Dear Peeps.
Before going sledding I like to have naked drum sessions. Call me crazy if you want to, I don't care. You should also know that Baba is really good at sledding.

Nekkid Drumming.


Uber Fun.

Pursed lips.

I am sitting in the snow.

My ass is cold.

Oh SH*T.


Relieved doods.


So many celebrations!!!! I'm one and it's so much fun!

Fact: I like to party and so do my parents.

Fiction: I don't like cake.

This fact and fictitious comment define my life over the past few weeks. I have met so many people over the past year of my life and so many people wanted to celebrate my birthday with me that I have been having party time pretty much every day for the past two weeks. I ate lots of cake, got held and played a lot, connected with friends and family, and most importantly, had fun!

I had a ROC birthday with friends and family, a ROC playdate birthday, and a real birthday with mommie and baba. And it doesn't stop there.....

I got to go to NYC this weekend and have a metro-NY birthday party. That was neat! I also got to see my cousins Jeremy and Jordan in New Jersey. Other highlights included a playdate with mom's friends from camp and their kids, a Camp Fernwood Reunion in New Rochelle, New York, and some quality time spent with Grandma and Grandpa Weinstein! Woot!

Baba, Mommie, Me, Cake; NY Birthday Party

Dad Looks Creepy.

Me and Grandma Karen!

Mommie, me, and Great Grandpa Poppy!

Food Coma.

Happy Eater Zane.


I'm sorry I'm Handsome.

Mommie, Grandpa Black, and me at ROC Birthday!

Birthday Cake in ROC!

I heart CAKE!

Nom Nom Nom.

Me and Great Grandma Bolton from Syracuse.

Me and my cousins Sophia and Talia!

My ROC Playdate Birthday Bash!

KidZ Party!

Baba, that's my hat!

Cool hat, dood.

Naked time for Z-man.

Me and my momma.

Anyone know where I can get some cake?

Annie, Mommie, and their kids!

4 Generations!

Me and Aunt Leah!

Me and Cousin Jordan!

Me and cousin Jeremy!!

Fernwood Playdate.


Audrey, Jacob, Alex, Henry. Fernwooooooood!