
Spring in Rochester! I love this weather.

Basically I agree with dad when he says that the Zoo is weird for the animals who are there but that it is good for the educational value it provides to the youth of the world.

Also, I like it when the weather is nice, for example, last week, when it was sunny and we put my car together. I am driving, suckaZ!

Drivers Permit: In the House

Driver's License: On The ROAD!


Looking Boatly.

At the Zoo with my BoyZ.

Me and my Duck.

Baba keeping me from the live fowl.

Oooooo. Tiger.

Whadup Polar Bear? Whaddddup?!


Dad Is Back. Welcome Back To Party Time.

Finally Baba is back in America. Enough of the traveling, dood. I mean, I don't understand why you need to go traveling around when there is so much to see at our house alone! Anywhoo, I got to welcome Baba back by meeting him in NYC! I got to visit with grandma and grandpa too. We went to the children's museum of NYC, explored other places, and i'm pretty sure we achieved maximum fun. Woot.

hitting elevator button with grandma

learning to knock

mommie went to see her friend Jen and her new baby girl Skylar!

Jen and Skylar!

that's my smile :)

just walking with grandpa...

running in my raincoat

super psyched

steering the bus

me and mommie at the museum

more steering

Zane Seuss.

funny guyZ


Baba is in Vietnam and Mommie and I have been partaaaaaaaying....

Things have been hard with baba gone in Vietnam (he went for a medical volunteer project and to travel!) but if there is one thing I can say about not having him around, it is that he is going to be jealous when he gets back because mommie and I have partied our faces off. Like, for real. Every day brings something new! We have gone snowshoeing, to the park, to the bounce playground, we have played all over the house, have had friends over, and we even have gone out to dinner a few times!

My life is so inZane right now that I can't even take it. I have teeth, which are white and very cool, I can walk around and climb all over things (including the dogs!), I wear shoes, get to choose what I want to eat and drink, and I even get to do little baby things still, like poop in my pants!

Another thing that has been cool while Baba has been in Vietnam is that I get to video chat with him! I get to see him on the computer and talk to him while he is all the way across the world! That is nice and all, but I still can't wait for Baba to get home....


me and tisah drumming it up!

exhausted at the bounce gym

rocking my face off at the bounce gym


at the car, ready to rock and roll

me and my fire truck

i am tall.

apple sauce in my hand


just playing like i do.


running from the authority

hoot hoot woot!

hey hey hey

getting old.

teeth in a tunnel

still in it



I got you, Nemi!

get back here you tail!


me and mommie

i am a farmer

hey you guyssss.

that's right, i can kiss

laughing. i just can't stop.

on the shoes of the snow with mommie

i like trees.