
My first Trip to Washington DC!

this was such a Zweet weekend. On friday night, daddie got out of work around 7pm and we left for Harrisburg Pennsylvania to meet grandma and grandpa black. we got in at midnight and it was so good to see them! i got to play with them in the morning before we got back in the car to go to washington dc for uncle jason's brother's wedding!

before going all the way into D.C., we stopped at uncle jason's parents house in potomac to see everyone and then we made our way to the army navy club which was 2 blocks away from the white house. i was gitty the whole ride in to D.C. and couldn't believe i was going to meet Obama! so, after checking into the hotel, we met up with grandma and grandpa black and aunt leah and were off to explore D.C. and meet the president. we had plans to see the white house, the mall, capitol hill, and more! as soon as we started walking it began to rain. when i say rain, i mean like little droplets of water falling from the sky. i loved it! i loved how it felt on my skin. it was a light drizzle so grandpa black, daddie, mommie and i continued on our adventures and boy was it an adventure.

we walked for over 2 hours in the rain, as it turned from a drizz to a pour to sheetZ blowing at us. then came thunder and lightning. it was incredible and we walked around the mall, saw lots of huge buildings and achieved craziness level 7! we were so wet! daddie moved me from the bjorn to the stroller so i was pretty dry but i couldn't believe how wet everyone else was!

when we got home, mommie and daddie got ready for the wedding. i had two babysitters - aunt leah's close friends nancy and her hub hub brent. i had so much fun with them. they read me books, sang me songs, and then put me down to sleep in the bathroom. they are not crazy people....they put me in the bathroom because daddie is crazy. he put my crib in there because he thought i'd sleep better where there was less sound and light. HE WAS RIGHT! the bathroom sleeping arrangements were awesome! i was so happy that mommie and daddie hada babysitter so that they could dance all night long! i heard in the morning that they danced their faces off. they said the wedding was so much fun. the next morning we left early so daddie could get to work. we stopped at a SheetZ's - ask daddie how to say it and he'll say SHeeeeeeeeetz. we got home at 4pm so daddie could work from 5pm to 7am! he was tired and slept a lot of the car ride and he has to work every day this week from 5pm to 7am. yuck! the weekend was great! and i'm still eating lots of different foods and loving it! nom nom nom.

dad, me, bjorn.

mommie feeding me.

aunt leah fed me!

i love my aunt leah, grandma black and daddie.

raining in dc.

i saw the white house!

i got to sleep upstairs while mommie, daddie, uncle jason and aunt leah partaaayed!

my parents at the wedding.

i love my sweet potatoes!


Back in Rochester.... Aunt Annie, Uncle Pete and Uncle Noah come to visit! And Aunt Karen visits the next day!

After only one day being back from camp and not even 24 hours, visitors arrived at our home! Aunt Annie, Aunt Olivia, Uncle Noah and Uncle Pete decided that it was time to go to the ROC to visit Zane Diesel. I can't blame them and I was psyched that they were there to visit! Even though I was sleeping when they arrived, I knew that the next few days would involve achieving maximum fun, including camp songs, going out to lunch and dinner, and getting lots of hugs and kisses. One of the most exciting parts of their visit was that I got to meet aunt Annie! I hadn't met Aunt Annie yet and I was so excited to put a face on her name! She is one of mommie's besties! We really bonded, like, hard. She hugged me, sang to me and loved me and even gave me a SWEET pair of all BLACK Air Jordan's! Y-Y-Yeah!! I love her! We all had a great time going for walks, going out to eat, hanging out by the pool - you know just chilling!

The day Annie, Noah, Pete, and Olivia left, Aunt Karen came to visit! She is one of mom and dad's best friends who I hadn't met yet...another exciting day! Mommie and daddie met on an adventure called Semester at Sea! Aunt Karen decided that she NEEDED to meet me before she headed back to San Francisco where she is in public health school. This summer she was in Zambia. You know what that means, presents for me! Who wouldn't want to buy me presents, right?! She got me an authentic Zambian shirt and a noise maker/shaker. Now I can play music with mom and dad and their friends! She loved me SO hard! She hugged me, kissed me, made me laugh, and made me poop. She also took me (with mommy) to my 6-month doctors appointment! I pooped all over myself at the doctors office. It was both awesome and gross at the same time! I loved getting weighed and measured and even get poked with the needles! In addition to loving the doctors office, I am also loving my new foods - carrots, squash, peas, sweet potatoes and more! Nom nom nom nom.

Karen and me!

Me and Karen!

Dosa and the kid.

Karen and the kid.

Aunt Annie and baby Zane.


Who is that handsome guy?

Pete giving me a live show.

Noah and me. Two doods.

Pool time in the driveway.

Two guys who like to party.

Assed out.




What a summer.... I stayed at Grandma and Grandpa Weinstein's for three weeks before I got to go back to camp with mommie and the dogs. Right before i left I got to see mommie's friend from college, Lauren and her two boys Seth and Justin - it was really good to see them. We all are eaters of matzah.

Camp Fernwood was swine free for 10 days so the doctors said i could go back. But, we wanted to be extra cautious so we took Grandma Karen up for the last 10 days so the only person in the community that would touch me would be mommie and grandma! I spent days with Grandma being isolated from camp but we had the best time ever. we went to freeport, old port, hannafords and walmart, We went on long 4 mile walks too! the weather was beautiful so i got to enjoy the lake, the trees and more. i was sad not to see mommie very much - mostly when i was hungry because she was so busy and had been gone for so long! I really love the teet.

Mommie had here 31st birthday at camp - so we got to celebrate! partayyyyyy for meeeeee!

in other news - i am eating real food!!! i've had squash and peas and carrots! I can't wait to eat more! I am psyched for bacon!

I realized that I absolutely love the lake. I love how the water feels and i can look at it for hours. after camp was over, i hung out with pete, elyssa and danika and biegs. elyssa rode home with me to grandma and grandpas and they helped mommie with the long drive!

and now i am back in Rochester with daddieeeeeeee!! and mommie, nemi and dosa. i missed daddy doo doo so much!!!!!

Me in the baby einstein exersaucer!

mommie and me in the lakie

lake #2

crazy people #1

crazy people #2

crazy people #3

hello, camera!

the man is eating.

grandma, ma, and me

Lauren, justin, and me!

me, being cute....

la famiglia

Elyssa and me, sleeping.....

me and the g-ma

the handoff with pete.


we be swinging....

kissing mommie on the mouth..

loving and being loved....


It's my half birthday! When did I get so old!

I am 6 months old! A half a year. I am so old and it's so exciting. Guess what - mommie and daddie gave me real food! Finally. I've been watching them eat every day for my entire life. They get to eat whatever they want and I only get milk from the teet. I drool when I look at pizza and sushi. I want it in my mouth too, not just the breast. So I got to eat. In a high chair. With a spoon. It was incredible. Deliche.

We went on a hike. Dad insisted on pushing the stroller. He is an idiot.

I am flying. Talia and Sophia, my cousins, are watching me fly.

I am playing whilst drooling. That's what I do.

I just wanna. I just wanna. Grab it. Wooooooo.

I am sorry if I am a hip dresser.

The dood.

Dad's friends at a wedding. He is tweeting.

Uncle Justin putting his butt butt in the what what. Mom and Dad look on.

Everyone having fun at the wedding I didn't go to.

the parents of the dood.

Me on my birfday.