
8 weekZ

I can't believe it! 8 weekZ! YEAH! I am this shizzznit! In a couple of days I get to go to the D-to-the-octor again. I love that freaking place. Every time I go there I get to break the scales. I have no idea how much I weigh, how long I am, and how big my head got. Whatever it is though, I am going to be break it. I am cute.

In other news...Mammie brought me to a mammie's playgroup thing. Daddie and Grandma and other people too told mammie that it would be good for her to meet people who have kids's like Zane-diesel. And they said it's good to get out of the house, which I understand but also don't understand. In the house=tons of cool things to do. Out of the house=tons of cool stuff to do. So, like, how do you decide, man....? I hope she had fun because all I did when we got there was sleep. We arrived. Mom met people. She placed me down and I just sat there and slept. I don't even really remember being there. She talked a lot to the other mommies and there were kids running around everywhere. I opened my eye for a second and saw some of the boys peek in to see me. They wanted to touch me but their mommies said no. Not sure why. I didn't make a sound though - I just let them look at how cute I was and pretended like I was sleeping. I wonder if I will see them again. I am cute.

Also...I told you about my cooing right? Coo coo! Coo coo! Aroocoocoooo! Well I haven't met my Aunt Annie yet, but I can't wait so I've been practicing cooing for her... her style. Mommie and Daddie have been playing me a recording of her noise that she makes EEEEEEOOOOOO and I keep practicing it... (Just kidding) but mommie thinks that when I coo sometimes it sounds like Aunt Annie's noise...I can't wait to do it for her. I am cute.

On Thursday I went to the dentist with mommie! Remind me to never go to the dentist again. I was so excited to go. She told me all about it but when I got there I slept the entire time. I don't know what happens to me. I get in the car, all ready and get so excited to wherever we are going and then I fall asleep. I slept the entire time at the dentist office. Mommie told me afterwards that everyone at the dentist thought I was precious, which I am. I am so cute.

Mommie also had to take Dosa to the vet to get her heartworm test so Aunt Ang came over and played with me. We had a lot of fun. I was cute.

And then on Friday, Aunt Mindy, mommie and daddie's friend from camp came to visit from Syracuse! She brought Daddie this really cool shirt from the university - it was all about the UCONN 6 overtime game that I stayed up to watch. Daddie loves it! Aunt Mindy held me, kissed me and took me for a walk! When Aunt Mindy, Mommie and I came back from our walk, Dosa and Nemi were gone. Dosa came out of the backyard from the house next door and Nemi was nowhere to be found! We called for her and luckily she came running down the street. I don't know what I would have done without my sisters. Mom and I cried together that day. We weeped and weeped. It was weird. I am cute.

One day last night ommie gomt to have lunch with Aunt Abbey, Aunt Tisah and Aunt Molly. They ate outside and I was in the stroller just chillin'. Then Uncle Sol and Uncle Owen stopped by. Daddie took a picutre of Stew next to me... not sure why. I then heard him on the phone with Stew telling him how I was going to kick him when I was two years old. Something about the Peace Corps and Stew being a jerk or something. I am the cuteness.

Friday night, of course, I was so stoked to watch Syracuse in the Sweet Sixteen. I got into my gear, played with my Syracuse finger puppet and was ready to go! We went to our cousin Susie and David's house. But guess what... I'm sure you can guess. I got in the car, walked into Susie and David's house, closed my eyes and slept through the whole game. I mean what is going on! What is this life of sleep?! I know, I know, I won't complain. All you working people have life sooooo hard, and you wish you could sleep more than you do. I get it. I GET IT, okay? Jeez!
And they lost. It was horrible. Daddie was so upset. If you are cuteophobic, don't come visit, because I am cute.

On Saturday, the whole family was home! I got to play with Daddie and Mommie all morning. I was so happy to have daddie home. He makes me laugh. Then we went on a two hour walk. Boy were my legs tired. I pumped those suckers the whole walk! Mommie and Daddie showed me where they went to college. We even met up with our camp friend Hilary Barr for a minute. She is a freshman and lives in mommie and daddie's old dorm. Ooops. I almost forgot, I'm cute.

I also finally made it to Wegman's - the most amazing grocery store in the WORLD. I almost got lost in there but luckily mommie and daddie showed me the way. On Saturday night, we had a potluck din din at our house. At least that's what mommie and daddie called it. And there were so many of my friends that came over. They were frisbee people. I don't even know what that means, but that's what dad told me they were...I am cute.

I think Daddie likes opening my gifts for me. I mean he doesn't even let mommie do it. As soon as he sees that I have a gift - he gets so excited. I'm cute.

On Sunday morning, I was so scared. Mommie and Daddie freaked out because Nemi and Dosa went through the gate in the backyard and escaped. Luckily Dosa was just one house over, but Nemi was nowhere to be found, again! Daddie had to drive around the neighborhood for more than a half an hour. I think that is a lot of time. And Mommie and I stood outside the front of the house calling her name. Finally, Nemi was found! I am so glad I have my sister back. What would I have done without her? We weeped again that day. I am cute.

On Sunday, Grandpa and Grandpa Black came to visit too. They brought my cousins Sophie and Talia over and together, we played and then went to see our other cousins, Phyllis and David and Susie and David (the basketbal cousins!). I hung out with everyone and had a great time. I think Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Black will be jealous that their sister and brother-in-law got to meet me first! Then we went to Aunt Niki's and she made a delicious meal for everyone. I got to hang out and I got a cookie cake for turning 8 weeks old! I was cute.

In other news, I keep looking at my hands and wondering what they are. Can anyone tell me how to keep them or my thumb or even a finger in my mouth? My thumbs won't find their way. Arrrgh.

Aunt Mindy came to visit!

I love to smile.

Aunt Mindy brought daddie the coolest Cuse shirt!

Daddie is so funny.

Me and cousin Sophie and Grandma Black holding me!

Me, Grandma Black, and my cousins.

Oy Vey! What a day!

A 2 hour walk.

Finally Wegmans. mmm candy.

Checkin' out of Wegmanszzzz.

Me and cousin Susie. Go Cuse.

Go Cuse.

The boyzzz. Daddie, cousin David and me. Go Cuse.

Why is Daddie opening my presentzz?

Grandma Black lovin me!

Zach and me. He loved my Jordanzzzz.

Me and mommie at the University of Rochester.

Aunt Abbey, Aunt Rhi and Aunt Liz. Yummy potluck (not in photo).

Me and the Nipple of Knowledge at the U of R.

Me and my cousinzzz.

Me, Grandpa Glack and cousinz Phyllis, David and Susie.

We love visiting family.

Aunt Niki, Daddie and me.

Aunt Niki, mommie and me.

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