Things are heating up in my life. I am starting to do what I want, when I want, and people can't stop me. It is aweZome. I keep it real like nobody's business. For example, I smile a lot because I can and nobody can stop me from doing it. So.....there! Below you will see some glorious photos of recent happenings in my life. They included visiting my boy Nathan and his parents Mary Pat and Grant, who just happen to be mommies friends from high school, celebrating Grandma Karen's b-day, going out to dinner with Baba, mommie, grandma, grandpa, and Uncle Pete, dad's friend from semester at sea (he also worked at camp for a long time and still works there), and going to the Distillery back in ROC with Abbey and Lucas, dad's friends from Ultimate frisbee, as well as going to CVS with mom, which is alway a hoot. Here's to life. L'Chaim!
Swinging because I can.
Me and Grandma K.
Happy Birthday to you....
Enjoyin the Fall, fool.
Me and my boy Nathan parting in the school yard.
Grant reading me and Nathan a book about life.
Baba, Pete, and the Kid.
Grandparents Weinstein and the Kid.
Me vs. Abbey
CVS! Woooooo!
CVS. Haaahahahahhahaah.
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