

I got to go to school today!!!! (it's been a few weeks now) I met my teachers and my new friends and am going to go twice a week. It was so much fun - I played all morning, had snack, story time and more! I can't wait to go each week!


MIA for over 3 months!

Ok so here's the deal. I haven't had any time to write on my blog in months. I can't even begin to tell you all the things I've been doing since I last wrote.
The biggest thing CAMP FERNWOOD!!!!! I got to play with 300 different people all the time, swam in the lake every day for hours, played in the GATT, learned tons of new songs, went to campfire every week, went on motor boat rides, canoe rides, golf cart rides, played with the pump and bunnies every day - there is so much more! I can't wait to go back. I had the time of my life. I got to run every way, learned how to speak and and even learned how to songlead!

Then I came back to my new house where Baba had everything ready for me! My own room, my own playroom and a basement that is filled with my toys! It rules.

I hope I can keep up this blog but I am going to be a big brother in one month and I am going to have to love, kiss, hug and take care of my new sibling! I can't wait.I just don't know if the blog with the first thing on my mind!
Soon I will put up some photos from camp and from my time in Connecticut so far. I promise to try and put more from now on. Love you all!!!! ANd I love giving kisses and hugs if anyone wants one!


Good Times.

A lot has happened in the past few weeks and this is just a glimpse into what has been going on. Baba graduated from Medical and Public Health School, we moved to CT, and I said goodbye to all of my friends in Rochester, among other things. Although it has been very exciting, it has been sad too as I am really going to miss my friends in the ROC. On a good note, all we did was party during our last weeks in Rochester, making the move a little more bearable.

I can't wait to go back to Rochester in September to see my family....

Party time with friends.

Dr. Baba with Grandma and Grandpa Black!

The happy family minus the dogs.

The Doctors Black!

The Fathers and Son Doctors

Zig in a Blanket

Me and cousin Talia!

Me and my boyz.

Me and hudson holding hands


Dr. Black

Pajama Time!

Just. Me.

Nice Wetsuit.

The Zooooooooo.

Baba showing me.

I'm not afraid.

What up homies.

Food. I like it!

Come on ride the train.....

Choo choo!



Welcome to my Bounce House

Going Away Party

Spread Eagle